Ok. I'm needing some color. It's summer and after much grouching this winter about lack of color outside, everything is finally in bloom here, my garden is starting to feed us (finally!), and the children and I have been feasting on wild berry pies! Life really is good here at the Rynbrandt homestead.
Today I had three hours, brush in hand, to lay the groundwork for "Great Plains Bones" my newest painting that I plan to submit for consideration at the Landscapes of the Americas show at Maryland Federation of Art. This is (I believe) the most difficult show to get into at Circle Gallery in Historic Annapolis. The competition is open to all artists in North, South, and Central America (easy peasy, right?). I have yet to be accepted, however, the past two years, I've felt good about my submissions and they have gotten lots of looks, so I won't complain too terribly much.
I need to quickly add that being a painter seriously sucks if one is into instant gratification. Painting is a long, well thought out, time and supply consuming activity / vocation. Paintings can take weeks. I actually know of someone who has been actively working on a large painting for nearly a year, full-time. Apparently, the said painting has been for sale for $1M and the artist, the brother of a friend of mine, has gotten some interest from wealthy potential collectors listed on Forbes. Geez, dude's got a serious set to put a price tag like that on one piece, although, from what I hear it's stunning, and well worth the asking price...that's coming from his sister-in-law who thinks he's a genius and he very well may be.
So- here's my painting so far that is absolutely not one million dollars...that is, unless you are smitten with it and insist on paying that much. It's your money. Who am I to tell you what to do?
Hope you like it!