I ordered some new supplies earlier in the week to add to my arsenal of already overflowing plastic bins of wonder.
I restocked my favorite colors...green gold, payne's grey, and old reliable, burnt sienna. But I also finally gave in and bought some stellar French oil pastels. I've been a fan of pastels since I was a student. But, the student grade pastels, the only ones I've been privy too, well, they just plain suck. May as well buy a box of overpriced crayons because that's what they are.
In addition to the (oh so) lovely French pastels, I purchased more canvapaper for the said pastels. Lastly, I got a giant artist's clip board to use when working on paper without a spacious flat surface to work from.
So, I challenged myself to a 30-minute pastel sketch and this is what I came up with. It's entitled "Ballerina". I've always been in awe of dancer's bodies...ballerinas particularly. They are just so damn elegant and graceful. The fact that I'm 5'9" and like food made being a dancer a no-go for me. Fortunately, I'm strong. I could play volleyball and lacrosse well enough for a Division III school. Big deal. I think I'd rather be elegant and graceful.
I've got lots of photos for you including "Ballerina". If you are interested in liberating her from my studio, it'll cost you $40 including shipping to the continental U.S. I only accept paypal at this point, so email me (jenr_senior1@hotmail.com) and I'll send you an invoice then mail it out first thing Friday morning...which means that "Ballerina" could be your new BFF by Tuesday afternoon.
Second....I put a couple coats of varnish on my little abstracts and they look rather happy if I do say.
Third---my Fedex delivery. I would like to share with you just exactly how easy it is to get a smile out of me. No amount of fighting children, dirty dishes, cluttered floors, flying food, or poopy diapers can distance me from the utter elation I feel when new art supplies are dropped at my door. I'm telling you, it's absolute euphoria.
Fourth photo is a brag. My first peaches of the season were ripe today and I picked the little beauties shown about ten minutes before I took the photo. They were still warm from the sun and so stinkin' good!
Ballerina- A quick pastel sketch in my kitchen with new Frenchie highbrow pastels.
Night Swell #1,2
Merry Christmas to me, Merry Christmas to me!
Millions of peaches, peaches for me...millions of peaches, peaches for free....
As always, thank you for your time in browsing my artistic endeavors.