A native Marylander with a new basecamp in Traverse City, Michigan.   I think I’m going to like it here.

A native Marylander with a new basecamp in Traverse City, Michigan. I think I’m going to like it here.


I’ve been documenting my creative endeavors since 2014. Thoughts on the creative process, my travels, shows, new ideas and what’s on my easel are just a few things I post on. Feel free to linger…


I started a mixed media (24x24) piece a while back and decided to finish it up today and add it to my March show.  The colors are a good fit and it's entirely different  than what I usually put up.  My MFA Director suggested I try mixed media, and so I did.  Hopefully it makes it into the lineup.  I would be interested in your feedback (comments).  Yay or nea?

"Creekside Birch Grove"

"Cold Feet"

"Cold Feet"

I'm nearly finished with "Cold Feet".  I'm really happy with the simplicity of it and the palette.  It'll be a nice contrast to the other pieces in my upcoming show...just need to add a light source at the top and we're done!

Next, I prepped another canvas for a painting to begin tomorrow.  All together, I have three going at once and another two on the way....I'm liking that better than one piece at a time because if I get stuck on one, I can put it down for a while and make some progress on another piece.

The 16x20 that I prepped Monday and sketched out looks pretty weird at this point, but you need to trust me on this, I think it'll be pretty cool when complete.  

There's a story behind the painting...Two years ago, I traveled to Thailand to see my old roommate, who is from Bangkok.  We were born one day apart and so celebrate our birthdays together whenever possible.  That particular year, we were turning 40.

The second day I was there (seriously jet-lagged), she showed me Old Siam.  I got some superb photos, then we took a riverboat ride.  The boat ride cost $.50...yes, you are reading correctly, a riverboat ride through Bangkok for an hour was half a dollar.  

On the boat with us were two young monks, very typical in Thailand, as most men spend one year studying Buddhism and serving in the temples.  The two young men were so beautiful, quiet, and peaceful in their orange robes.  They shave their heads, eyebrows, and face, during that time so it was easier for me to see the lines without hair getting in the way.

I had Annie ask very respectfully if I could take their photo.  They seemed a little surprised by my request, but were happy to help (of course).

I've had that photo for almost two years now and thought it would be interesting to paint  playful, not solemn. I settled on Golden's Green Gold for the background and decided on the title, "Green Peace".  Here's what I've got so far (yes, it looks terrible right now, but this is only the underpainting). The three photos were taken over about 90 minutes.

Sketch for "Green Peace" with Green Gold background, pencil, and light blue paint outlining details I need to proceed.

Sketch for "Green Peace" with Green Gold background, pencil, and light blue paint outlining details I need to proceed.

Background going in and light source being identified.

Background going in and light source being identified.

Highlights/lowlights for robes/togas? Establishing color values a bit.  My monks kinda resemble aliens but i'll be putting some skin colors on them tomorrow.

Highlights/lowlights for robes/togas? Establishing color values a bit.  My monks kinda resemble aliens but i'll be putting some skin colors on them tomorrow.

I will have all day tomorrow at the easel and will have more visual stimuli for browsing....until then, stay warm, and thank you as always for stopping by.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

"Cold Feet" (not finished yet)