Good evening! We just got back from a longish vacation in Northern Michigan. I suppose my head is still there, or at least wanting to be there because I love crystal clear, salt-free, shark-free waters, but also 75 degrees with no humidity. It's heavenly! I even managed to get rid of some of my whiteness, so I'm not pasty, just pretty fair now. It's amazing how much a little color makes one's complexion look vibrant!
Well, new freckles aside, I have some color here for your viewing pleasure (or not) tonight. I had three hours today to layer washes on my in-progress seascape.
Here's what I've put down thus far:
adding some low-lights to the clouds here...
Warming up the land mass here a bit...
some cobalt teal here in the sky and application with palette knife for some texture as well as some deep magenta and light blue violet added here and there to increase the level of contrast.
I believe this piece is beginning to resemble "Custer State Park" which will be headed home to Ohio with it's new owner next month! The hues are no doubt similar although it's missing some of the earthy warmth that other piece was able to capture. I will continue to play with this one the rest of the week and hopefully be finished by Saturday. Until then, I hope to post more in-progress on Friday.
Thank you for stopping by! I've had a really fun time seeing all the different ip addresses visit my blog this past week....Australia (NSW), Nigeria, Philippines, Alberta (Canada), and lots of folks from the home team!