First of all, I need to apologize for neglecting my blog this week. I don't know if I mentioned that my art time each week is really a gift that I don't get to indulge in as much as I'd like to. I paint in addition to working on other non-painting creative projects that help keep me in the black. Not to mention the four little ones, elementary school and younger that are my first priority, work wise.
Some weeks I get two or more days to really devote to a painting and other weeks, like last week with snow and this week with ice, severely screws up my working time. I love spending time with my babies, but my creative juices and work time suffer to say the least. Anyhow, please accept my apologies :)
On a more positive note, I attended the Winter Members Show reception at Maryland Federation of Art this past Sunday to meet and schmooze with my artistically inclined highly-pigmented cohorts. They are a fun bunch! And after hearing the juror speak (or rather spank) on why she didn't chose many of the works that were submitted, I was happy to have been included. Geez. Talk about a tough audience. But really, her attention to detail and quality made me feel even more humbled to have been chosen for the show...because apparently, there were a lot of great pieces that she DIDN'T choose.
Joanne Vaughn, our greatest advocate as members of MFA asked me if after the Winter Show, she could send my work across the street to the Maryland State House for the inauguration period of our new (and improved?) Governor of Maryland! Some work from Maryland artists were requested and Joanne asked me to be part of that. Boy, was I flattered! So, if you visit Annapolis in the next month or so, stop by and see my three pieces in the State House. I'm seriously tickled about my stuff being hung there.
My new water media materials arrived, and only two of the three canvas-papers are usable. Some nit-wit working at the art supply place threw damaged items in my box, not caring that they are useless to anyone, especially me who had paid for them. Irritating, as I have to wait another five days to get new ones.
I did have some new ideas for a series of large works though...I know, I swore off really big canvases for a while, but I can't help that my brain never cooperates with itself. I was thinking about using my modern portraiture (think "Ruby" and "Calvin" style) to do a series of four 48x48 pieces for a twenty-five foot wall in my house. Of course, I'd try to get them in a show first before retiring them to my house, but that would be the final destination unless purchased prior.
I was about to nod off the other night and the ideas just wouldn't leave me alone. The good news is that the ideas were really good ones. Am starting on the sketches this afternoon. This project will possibly be added to a solo show I'm hoping to get through MFA this summer.
Thanks for reading!