A native Marylander with a new basecamp in Traverse City, Michigan.   I think I’m going to like it here.

A native Marylander with a new basecamp in Traverse City, Michigan. I think I’m going to like it here.


I’ve been documenting my creative endeavors since 2014. Thoughts on the creative process, my travels, shows, new ideas and what’s on my easel are just a few things I post on. Feel free to linger…

Tomorrow Night! 5-8 PM An Art Opening Celebrating the Twilight!

I wanted to personally invite you all to a reception tomorrow night at West Annapolis Artworks! I have four pieces in this pre-holiday show and I hope that you will make the party if possible!

I've been working on a very large fiber project the past week.  Will post photos this weekend of the progress.  I was getting quite a bit done until our four-year-old was upset that I hadn't sewn him an imposing santa clause pillow for Christmas yet.  

It just seemed a little early but apparently I was in the wrong and so, I will spend all my free time this weekend constructing a santa pillow from discarded fiber.  I'm not exactly into cute-sie creations, but my little guy is too adorable to turn down...and he wants to be Santa Clause when he grows up.  Isn't that a rather high bar?

I suppose that's better than wanting to be Gene Simmons, which was what he wanted to be last month... 

Pillows and more pillows...

Confessions and other things...