Today I painted from 11-3:45 before I realized that I was both hungry and had to pee. I love it when that happens...I'd turned my phone off, turned up the tunes, and just started slinging paint all over my 30x40" canvas that was already off to a good start.
I would have started earlier, but was a little tired from talking to strangers for two hours last night....Although I'm a pretty good faker at chit chat, being thrown into a small gallery packed with people makes me a bit uneasy. I suppose I'm more of a small circle kinda gal.
But--It was for a good cause, and "In The Bag" at Maryland Federation of Art was a huge success. The art, food and libations were all worthwhile and it was nice to catch up with some other artists who are a heck of a lot more social than myself.
I'm really happy with this "Custer State Park" painting so far. So much so that I may also enter it into a juried show with a deadline Tuesday if it's done and dry by then. I sure hope so!
Here are some in process photos!
Here's where I started today.
About two hours in...
Four hours in today...
A close up of some paint swishing around...
Thank you to my return viewers in the USA and a warm hello to new viewers in Denmark and in Norway.