A native Marylander with a new basecamp in Traverse City, Michigan.   I think I’m going to like it here.

A native Marylander with a new basecamp in Traverse City, Michigan. I think I’m going to like it here.


I’ve been documenting my creative endeavors since 2014. Thoughts on the creative process, my travels, shows, new ideas and what’s on my easel are just a few things I post on. Feel free to linger…

Custer State Park, Day 3

Today I painted from 11-3:45 before I realized that I was both hungry and had to pee.  I love it when that happens...I'd turned my phone off, turned up the tunes, and just started slinging paint all over my 30x40" canvas that was already off to a good start.

I would have started earlier, but was a little tired from talking to strangers for two hours last night....Although I'm a pretty good faker at chit chat, being thrown into a small gallery packed with people makes me a bit uneasy.  I suppose I'm more of a small circle kinda gal.

But--It was for a good cause, and "In The Bag" at Maryland Federation of Art was a huge success. The art, food and libations were all worthwhile and it was nice to catch up with some other artists who are a heck of a lot more social than myself.

I'm really happy with this "Custer State Park" painting so far.  So much so that I may also enter it into a juried show with a deadline Tuesday if it's done and dry by then.  I sure hope so!

Here are some in process photos!

Here's where I started today.

Here's where I started today.

About two hours in...

About two hours in...

Four hours in today...

Four hours in today...

A close up of some paint swishing around...

A close up of some paint swishing around...

Thank you to my return viewers in the USA and a warm hello to new viewers in Denmark and in Norway.  


Day Four, Custer State Park

All That Art Exhibit/Auction at Maryland Hall for the Arts, Annapolis, MD