Today I got notice that my piece “Frank’s Farm” was chosen for the MFA Spring Show by faculty at Montgomery College and The Corcoran School of Art and Design at George Washington University. This is very good news and I do hope that the gallery at Maryland Federation of Art/Circle Gallery, is again open and available for viewing! The show starts May 6, 2020.
Frank’s Farm is one of my favorites. It’s one of those pieces that not everyone gets. I supposed because I painted it for myself, which is not something I do much of. Frank (RIP) was a 90+ year old farmer, who single handedly owned and operated an apple/cattle/grain farm next to our camp in Northern Michigan. Frank, a typical Dutch Norther Michigander, was not exactly warm and fuzzy when we first met him. I supposed it’s because they weren’t keen on outsiders buying property in their county. But, once Frank learned that my husband is indeed from Michigan, is a good Roman Catholic, and hunts, is was all good from there. Frank became a close family friend and we miss watching him haul ass on that monster of a John Deere tractor each summer.
So, Frank’s Farm is in memory of Frank. Peace be with his spirit.
This piece is also for purchase on my available works page. I do accept payment plans so if you would like to have “Frank’s Farm” for your own, please get in touch with me through my contact page or purchase on my available works page. This piece is quite large at 48x48, so if there is a chance you could pick it up rather than have me ship it, there is no fee for that and I would prefer that method. My zip code is 21074 and I can also deliver within 100 miles for $75.