Congratulations to the two lovely ladies who won my pieces, “Nocturn Swell #1” and “Nocturn Swell #2”.
Maryland Federation of Art is the oldest artist-run and operated gallery in the state of Maryland. MFA relies on art openings, shows, donations, and fund raisers each year to keep Circle Gallery in Historic Annapolis, as well as shows in nearly ten other venues, open and viable. Sales, contributions, art enthusiasts, and volunteers keep the pulse going strong. MFA has been voted the #1 gallery in Annapolis for 7+ years and counting. The esteemed jurors that judge the submitted work for each show are from major art programs and galleries up and down the East Coast. It is an honor to be part of such a stout team!
Covid has made foot traffic in local galleries a challenge. Circle Gallery is small in square footage but mighty in talent. State mandates only allow a few people in the space at once, meaning no gatherings, libations, in-person collaborations, etc.
So, this fall, “In The Box” was launched to raise money in order to keep its current staff while the doors were closed. Artist members were asked to each donate an original piece of art (or more than one) then tickets were sold and community members each purchased a ticket for under $50 dollars. Donated art pieces were randomly assigned numbers and ticket holders were randomly assigned those numbers in a lottery style.
The pieces then were shipped to their new homes. Win-win right? I’ll be posting future opportunities to participate in affordable art acquisitions so stay tuned. Visit Maryland Federation of Art to become a member:
Nocturn #1
Nocturn #2
The two paintings above were created entirely without a brush, only using an old credit card to apply and move paint around the canvas.
I’ve had one other recent credit card painting success, “The Dancer” which found a home in Historic Annapolis as well!
The Dancer. 36x48 Acrylic on Canvas (No longer available)
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