Something strange happened today. The sun came out. We’ve had three weeks of snow and we’re at 86” for the season so far this winter. Not too shabby for the ski folk but too dark to paint in natural light.
But, today we were gifted with a cold but sunny day and my little studio lit up for the first time in so many weeks. I was able to use that light to figure out that what I thought was a bunch of octopi, is actually a giant manta. You can still see what looks like some little octopi hitching a ride through the kelp. Only, on the wing of a manta.
The best part of abstract art is that the viewer can come to their own conclusion. I invite you to do just that!
I will have this piece wrapped up by tomorrow if there isn’t a snow day….
This is the fifth piece in my Gulf Series. So anxious for Spring Break!
Feel free to inquire.